Huetopia Homepage

A colorful continent within a magical world

Welcome to Huetopia

Welcome to Huetopia

Huetopia is a world that i have been building for some time.

This website is for chronicling my progress as I folow the Writing your first Novel course. It is taught by David Wheeler and published by Michigan State Universtity on Coursera.

For week by week progress go to the Coursera Work By Week page.

To read full chapters as they are written, go to Read Now.

Huetopia is a world that I have been building for some time.

This website is for chronicling my progress as I folow the Writing your First Novel course. It is taught by David Wheeler and published by Michigan State Universtity on Coursera.

For week by week progress go to the Coursera Work By Week page.

To read full chapters as they are written, go to Read Now.

I'm doing some troubleshooting.


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