Creative Writing

There is a lot of creative writing here.


[1]: Color-magic adept: the class of Artists, who are the most skillful at using color-magic. All people can do it to some degree, but Adepts are not limited by hue in order to do magic.

[2]: BrightLight(Needs a new name, as this is a real product), is the Huetopia equivalent to a computer screen. It developed to allow everybody easy access to color-magic. While everybody could use color-magic before, one had to be an Adept to be able procure nuanced flavors. Typically the region of a person's birth would have a huge effect on the types of colors they could work with. BrightLite became the great equalizer.

[3]: Curl is the ancient religion practiced in Sikland, near the Angular Lakes

[4]: Euclidean school is the Huetopia equivalent of primary school; the school attended before university.

[5]: There are four recognized gender groups in Huetopian society: Long hair, No facial hair; Long hair Facial Hair; Short Hair no facial hair; and Short hair, facial hair. TriVerment laws require 3 consenting adults (at least 27 years of age) of different groupings to solidify a union. Physiologically, 3 adults are needed for a child. The stereotypical middle class family has 3 parents and 8 kids. In reality, the average number of children per family is typically closer to 3, but TriVerment propaganda wants to see a larger population of people loyal to the TriVerment, so they use propaganda to make it patriotic to have 9 children.

[6]: Slicings is the Triangle Nation equivalent to “fuck”

[7]: Blue is the color that the dragon gifted the Circular People about six thousand years before this story takes place. Blue is an aquatic color, and is uses to perform water, and continuous magic

[8]: Yellows and greens are typically found in Linara, and are farming colors. A typical Triangle response would be “grey-purple, so that I can poison the meat of my enemies”. While this sounds violent, and is exactly what a Triangular leader tried to do

[9]: Sinish, the main language spoken by the Triangle Nation, it is taught in public schools. All major legal documents are written in Sinish.

[10]: Asym is an ancient, nearly dead language, known only to some of the Ellipsiod tribes. In the modern day, most of its speakers are Ellipsoidian. The language is mostly reconstructed, with many words borrowing from Sinish. There was a break in continuous speakers from after the Great Takeover, where Sinish was nearly forgotten, except for what was written by ancient artists.

[11]: I need to find a better name. Hamentashen would make no sense in this setting, but like that's what these cookies are.

[12]: Slice-a-plane: Huetopian/ Sinish word for “mother fucking”

[13]: Torus: Sinish equivalent to “hellscape”

[14]: There are 16 Old Linarian families. Much of Linarian wealth has accumulated in these families. Linarian life often follows the feudal system, so people who are not related to an Old Family, work for one.

[15]: The top-point of the family is like saying the head of the family. This is a somewhat common practice among the wealthier Old Linarian Families. The Quartano family looks similar to a patriarchal family, but because there are typically 3 or 4 people in a marriage, they are referencing the diamond shape, when a parallellogram is tipped such that the corners are up down, left and right. This also works when an equalatteral triangle is oriented with a corner pointing up

[16]: Scalene is a term for an employee early in their career. They don’t have enough experience yet to have found balance, and therefore authority.

[17]: Typical Triangle society has marriages between three people, known as unionship partners. Typical “straight” relationships are such that no two people have the same gender. See footnote 5 for more details.

[18]: Skalin, Para, Ceiler, and Puice, the oldest four, already got all of Ceil’s inheritance.

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